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The decision to plan a family camping trip was an unexpected outcome of this year’s family Christmas gathering.
In the past, when the cousins have all finally found time to get together with their parents at Grandma’s house, the day is pretty short and sweet. You eat some food, catch up on the latest news everyone has, open a few gifts, and everyone makes their excuses for why they are not able to stay long. When the cousins were little and not in charge of their own schedules the Christmas celebration would last for seven or eight hours. Now, though, with every cousin old enough to drive, some who are married and have kids, and all who are either in college or working full time, some of the celebrations rarely last three hours.
This year, however, was different. It was a board game that gathered the cousins together at first, but after that game started one cousin after another shared a favorite family camping story from when they were young. And while the cousins had never really all camped together before, this year’s Christmas discussion had the cousins checking their summer calendars, talking about destinations, and promising to make a family camping trip happen. This younger generation said that they would be happy to do all of the planning, but that their parents and grandmother were invited as well. Before anyone realized, it had turned dark outside and the group had been together for nearly 10 hours. The laughter was loud, the plans were in place, and the group of cousins decided that this summer’s trip to a family camping resort would be the first of many.
Families Often Look for a Way to Reconnect Away from Technology and Work
Whether it is your wife and kids or a whole group of adult age cousins, many people are looking for a way to step aside from the stress of being connected to work by their technology and reconnect with nature. From cabin rentals that come with full size kitchens that let you cook your own meals, to ore primitive ampingandcaravanningclub.co.uk/newsandevents/mediacentre/reports-and-statistics/get-kids-camping-research-results/” Title=”More information about Cabin rentals”>campgrounds that provide little more than a fire pit and a place to pitch a tent, camping is an increasingly popular option for people who are trying to reconnect. And while some make their camping plans at the last minute, as many as 43% of campers planned their trips at least one month in advance.
Because camping is one of the most beloved outdoor activities among Americans, it should come as no surprise that the campground industry in America grossed about $5 billion in the year 2013. Whether you plan to hit the wilderness with friends, siblings, or cousins, maybe this holiday season is a great time to start making your plans.