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Being a parent is hard. Meeting your child’s needs every single day and night is stressful. And then there’s the guilt. You aren’t spending enough quality time with them. You aren’t doing enough for them. And on and on and on.
Take a deep breath. You are doing a good great job. If you are meeting your child’s needs, you are a great parent. Relax and enjoy your kids. If there is anything more you can do, it is just to have fun with them. Make memories together. You’ll have more money later. Your house will be clean later. This is the only time you can make memories with your child at this age.
One amazing way to make memories with your children is camping. When you set up camp at an awesome campground in your area, you separate yourself from the stress of life and focus on what really matters: being with the people you love. Here are a few tips for planning the camping trip of your dreams:
- Camping doesn’t mean roughing it.
We know what you’re probably thinking. Going without a shower? Um.. No thank you. Trust us, we get it. Our idea of a good time doesn’t involve digging a hole in the middle of nowhere to go to the bathroom. However, if you are what we like to call “indoorsy,” don’t be shut this post down yet. You can still enjoy all the benefits of taking your family out into nature without the negatives that make you want to say, “No way Jose!” Many campgrounds are equipped with all the conveniences of modern times, such as running water and plumbing, the great outdoors of nature. Some campgrounds even offer cabins or RV hookups, if you just aren’t down for sleeping on the ground. For crying out loud, some campgrounds specialize in “glamping,” and you literally enjoy living arrangements that are more luxerious than what you’ve find in the comfort of your own home. The sky is the limit when it comes to camping! - Less is not more when it comes to packing for a camping trip.
There are two reason that you should over pack for a camping trip:- First of all, you’re going to be more exposed to the elements than you would be if you were staying in a hum drum hotel. Weather can be unpredictable. The weather man might say you’ll be getting sunshine for days, and the reality could be rain and snow. Pack for all weather conditions.
- Second of all, unlike traditional accommodations (such as a hotel), campsites do not come equipped with a front desk that you can ring up if you forgot shampoo or toothpaste. You have to remember it on your own. Don’t forget the toothpaste.
When in doubt, go ahead and throw it in your suitcase!
- Be prepared for nature.
We don’t want to take you by surprise, but when you stay in nature, you come face to face with nature. When you think about the crisp cool air and the trees and mountains and a deer trotting in the distance, you’re probably not sure why we’re bringing this up. Nature is amazing.
While that’s true, there are other critters who make their homes in the place that are less exciting. You might come across raccoon and squirrels who tear your campgrounds apart if you leave food out. You might come across creepy crawlies like spiders and centipedes and scorpions. There is most likely a snake of some kind in your neck of the woods. You might even come across large animals that could be aggressive, like mountain lions or bears.
We aren’t telling you this to scare you out of planning the family camp out of your dreams. We’re telling you this to ensure you take the proper safety measures and keep everyone safe during your trip.
Before you set up camp, take some time to research what kind of animals are native to the camping area. Don’t leave food out (or even locked in visible places if you’re in bear country). Carry a flashlight at all times. If you make responsible choices, it is highly unlikely that your family would be in any danger at any point during your camping trip.
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