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Camping is something of a timeless activity. Chances are that your grandparents camped at some point in their lives, and your parents after them. While lots of other pastimes have come and gone, camping remains something that we as Americans simply love. Why is this? Well, according to 47% of adult campers, the biggest motivator for camping is just the joy of it. With that being said, some approaches to camping are perhaps more fun than others. It’s becoming more and more difficult to find safe camping spaces. The fact is that people value their privacy, and there isn’t a lot of land that is free for people to camp on. For that matter, some areas are certainly more populated by predators than others. A major risk that comes with camping on your own, in a random space, is that of animals like bears. Because camping involves bringing your own food, bears in particular can be attracted to the scents of food and intrude on your camping space. This is why a lot of people are now gravitating more towards specially coordinate campgrounds, especially if they have children. RV campgrounds in particular have become popular in recent years, as have cabin rentals. Below, we’ll look into the advantages of camping with an RV, as well as whether or not a cabin would be a viable alternative for your camping trip.
What Are The Advantages Of Camping With An RV?
Understandably, some camping traditionalists are hesitant about camping with an RV. However, camping with an RV doesn’t mean that you can’t still pitch your tent and have a fairly traditional camping experience. It just makes the setup of that experience more traditional, and gives you a backup plan in case of an emergency. An RV makes it possible for you to take everything that you need in one vehicle, which isn’t always possible when you’re camping with a large group or your family. In a recent survey of campers 16 and older, 63% were married or living with a domestic partner; this suggests that people like the idea of camping as a family activity. An RV has the space for your whole family, and often comes with the bathrooms that children in particular need. For that matter, an RV is a great thing to have in a worst case scenario. Say you have bad weather during your camping trip, or are threatened by some kind of animal. An RV is right there, a great place for safety. It’s also much more convenient to store food in an RV than a tent. For that matter, RV campgrounds are known for their safety, making it easier for you to experience the great outdoors with less risk.
What Are The Advantages Of Renting A Cabin?
If you don’t have an RV but want the conveniences and safety of camping with an indoor space within reach, renting a cabin could be a possible compromise. A cabin isn’t the same as a full house — so you’re still going to “rough it” a bit as you would when camping with a tent. However, you’ll have a kitchen and bathroom within reach, as well as a safe space for you and your family to come home to. Again, you don’t have to abstain from a tent if you’re renting a cabin. You can do whatever you want. Many find that there isn’t a big difference between renting a cabin and camping with a tent. Most likely, you’ll spend most of your time outdoors either way; 87% of campers, after all, participate in multiple outdoor activities.
Should I Use A Cabin Or An RV?
An RV is a long-term investment — though some services do rent them out — whereas a cabin is a rental. Therefore, if you see yourself using an RV often, maybe you should invest in one. A cabin may be a better choice for those with extremely young children, or those with possible health concerns. Either way is a great approach to camping.